This is just a workaround app for a bug in Android 4.1 (alias Jelly Bean) and Samsung Galaxy S4 devices. See <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for details.
The bug causes accounts of paid apps to be removed when Android boots up. To work around this issue this app pretends to provide the same account type that Birthday Adapter provides. That's enough to convince Jelly Bean to keep the account.
That's all this app does.
Please note that the bug is in Android 4.1, not in Birthday Adapter!
If you're not using Birthday Adapter on Jelly Bean, you don't need this app. There is no need to give it a bad rating in that case! Please don't install it in that case.
Please note, even with this workaround some things may not work properly. Adding new accounts might be broken when you have booted with the workaround app installed.